Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
Category: all (86)
- addbind
- addhook
- ai_aim
- ai_attack
- ai_build
- ai_buy
- ai_debug
- ai_drop
- ai_findtarget
- ai_freeline
- ai_goto
- ai_iattack
- ai_move
- ai_radio
- ai_reload
- ai_respawn
- ai_rotate
- ai_say
- ai_sayteam
- ai_selectweapon
- ai_spray
- ai_use
- checksumfile
- checksumstring
- closehostage
- closeitems
- closeobjects
- closeplayers
- entity
- entitylist
- fow_in
- freehook
- freeimage
- freetimer
- funcs
- game
- hascloseplayers
- hostage
- image
- imagealpha
- imageblend
- imagecolor
- imageframe
- imagehitzone
- imageparam
- imagepos
- imagescale
- inentityzone
- item
- itemtype
- map
- menu
- msg
- msg2
- object
- objectat
- objecttype
- parse
- player
- playerammo
- playerweapons
- projectile
- projectilelist
- randomentity
- randomhostage
- removeallbinds
- removebind
- reqcld
- reqhttp
- setentityaistate
- sethookstate
- stats
- steamstats
- tile
- tileproperty
- timer
- tween_alpha
- tween_animate
- tween_color
- tween_frame
- tween_move
- tween_rotate
- tween_rotateconstantly
- tween_scale
- vars
- id
- "value"
Returns a value of a dynamic object:
- exists: boolean, true if object with this ID exists, false otherwise
- typename: name of the type of this object
- type: internal type ID

- health: health value
- mode: current mode (depending on type)
- team: team

- player: player (player who created/owns this object or for NPCs the type of the NPC)

- x: current x-position on map (in pixels)
- y: current y-position on map (in pixels)
- rot: current rotation angle
- alpha: alpha transparency value (0.0 - 1.0)
- tilex: current x position on map (in tiles)
- tiley: current y position on map (in tiles)
- countdown: countdown variable
- rootrot: original rotation
- idle: idle value
- rotvar: rotation variable
- target: current target
- upgrade: upgrade value
- entity: boolean, true if object is spawned by entity, false otherwise
- entityx: x-coordinate (tile) of entity which spawned this object
- entityy: y-coordinate (tile) of entity which spawned this object
Moreover there is:
- object(0,"table"): a Lua table with all dynamic object IDs
Note: Dynamic objects are used for many different things. NPCs, buildings, Lua images,...
The values are used in different ways (or not used at all) depending on the type of the object.
Note: For image objects you can also use imageparam to retrieve values of the image.
Sample 1: Using the object table to list the IDs of all objects
local objectlist=object(0,"table")
for _,id in pairs(objectlist) do
- id
- "value"
Returns a value of a dynamic object:
Moreover there is:
Sample 1: Using the object table to list the IDs of all objects
- exists: boolean, true if object with this ID exists, false otherwise
- typename: name of the type of this object
- type: internal type ID
- health: health value
- mode: current mode (depending on type)
- team: team
- player: player (player who created/owns this object or for NPCs the type of the NPC)
- x: current x-position on map (in pixels)
- y: current y-position on map (in pixels)
- rot: current rotation angle
- alpha: alpha transparency value (0.0 - 1.0)
- tilex: current x position on map (in tiles)
- tiley: current y position on map (in tiles)
- countdown: countdown variable
- rootrot: original rotation
- idle: idle value
- rotvar: rotation variable
- target: current target
- upgrade: upgrade value
- entity: boolean, true if object is spawned by entity, false otherwise
- entityx: x-coordinate (tile) of entity which spawned this object
- entityy: y-coordinate (tile) of entity which spawned this object
Moreover there is:
- object(0,"table"): a Lua table with all dynamic object IDs
Note: Dynamic objects are used for many different things. NPCs, buildings, Lua images,...
The values are used in different ways (or not used at all) depending on the type of the object.
The values are used in different ways (or not used at all) depending on the type of the object.
Note: For image objects you can also use imageparam to retrieve values of the image.
Sample 1: Using the object table to list the IDs of all objects
local objectlist=object(0,"table")
for _,id in pairs(objectlist) do
for _,id in pairs(objectlist) do