Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
Category: all (86)
- addbind
- addhook
- ai_aim
- ai_attack
- ai_build
- ai_buy
- ai_debug
- ai_drop
- ai_findtarget
- ai_freeline
- ai_goto
- ai_iattack
- ai_move
- ai_radio
- ai_reload
- ai_respawn
- ai_rotate
- ai_say
- ai_sayteam
- ai_selectweapon
- ai_spray
- ai_use
- checksumfile
- checksumstring
- closehostage
- closeitems
- closeobjects
- closeplayers
- entity
- entitylist
- fow_in
- freehook
- freeimage
- freetimer
- funcs
- game
- hascloseplayers
- hostage
- image
- imagealpha
- imageblend
- imagecolor
- imageframe
- imagehitzone
- imageparam
- imagepos
- imagescale
- inentityzone
- item
- itemtype
- map
- menu
- msg
- msg2
- object
- objectat
- objecttype
- parse
- player
- playerammo
- playerweapons
- projectile
- projectilelist
- randomentity
- randomhostage
- removeallbinds
- removebind
- reqcld
- reqhttp
- setentityaistate
- sethookstate
- stats
- steamstats
- tile
- tileproperty
- timer
- tween_alpha
- tween_animate
- tween_color
- tween_frame
- tween_move
- tween_rotate
- tween_rotateconstantly
- tween_scale
- vars
- "key"
Adds a Lua key bind for the specified key. This bind will be active for all players and will trigger the key-hook when a player presses or releases the related key.
Returns 1 if adding the key bind worked, 0 otherwise (invalid key name / already bound).
Valid key names:
- Numeric keys: "0", "1" ... "9"
- Alphabetic keys: "A", "B", ... "Z"
- Function keys: "F1", "F2", ... "F12"
- Mouse: "mouse1" (left click), "mouse2" (right click), "mouse3" (middle click), "mwheelup", "mwheeldown" (scrolling)
- Special/Modifier keys: "leftshift", "rightshift", "leftctrl", "rightctrl", "leftalt", "rightalt", "leftsys", "rightsys"
- Arrow keys: "leftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "downarrow"
- Others: "backspace", "tab", "clear", "enter", "escape", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "select", "print", "execute", "screen", "ins", "del"
- Numpad/keypad: Same as above with "kp_" prefix. e.g. "kp_leftarrow", "kp_home", "kp_ins" etc., "kp_5" for center button
Note: Please read the key-hook reference for further information!
Note: Consider removing the key bind with removebind or removeallbinds as soon as you don't need it anymore. This can save a lot of traffic if you use binds with keys which are pressed often.
Attention: Adding key binds causes additional network traffic whenever a client presses/releases the bound key!
- "key"
Adds a Lua key bind for the specified key. This bind will be active for all players and will trigger the key-hook when a player presses or releases the related key.
Returns 1 if adding the key bind worked, 0 otherwise (invalid key name / already bound).
Valid key names:
Returns 1 if adding the key bind worked, 0 otherwise (invalid key name / already bound).
Valid key names:
- Numeric keys: "0", "1" ... "9"
- Alphabetic keys: "A", "B", ... "Z"
- Function keys: "F1", "F2", ... "F12"
- Mouse: "mouse1" (left click), "mouse2" (right click), "mouse3" (middle click), "mwheelup", "mwheeldown" (scrolling)
- Special/Modifier keys: "leftshift", "rightshift", "leftctrl", "rightctrl", "leftalt", "rightalt", "leftsys", "rightsys"
- Arrow keys: "leftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "downarrow"
- Others: "backspace", "tab", "clear", "enter", "escape", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "select", "print", "execute", "screen", "ins", "del"
- Numpad/keypad: Same as above with "kp_" prefix. e.g. "kp_leftarrow", "kp_home", "kp_ins" etc., "kp_5" for center button
Note: Please read the key-hook reference for further information!
Note: Consider removing the key bind with removebind or removeallbinds as soon as you don't need it anymore. This can save a lot of traffic if you use binds with keys which are pressed often.
Attention: Adding key binds causes additional network traffic whenever a client presses/releases the bound key!