Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Category: settings (164)
- ah
- autoscreen
- autoswitch
- bot_autofill
- bot_count
- bot_freeze
- bot_jointeam
- bot_keepfreeslots
- bot_prefix
- bot_skill
- bot_weapons
- bullets
- changelevel
- changemap
- clientport
- deathnoticeimg
- debug
- debugai
- debuglog
- debuglua
- dmgindicator
- download
- drawradar
- fowalpha
- fowdetails
- gore
- grenademode
- hud_fastswitch
- hud_takesshots
- itemshadows
- lefthand
- localport
- map
- mapshadows
- mapsounds
- markplayer
- menu_lanscanport
- mp_antispeeder
- mp_autogamemode
- mp_autoteambalance
- mp_building_health
- mp_building_limit
- mp_building_price
- mp_buymenu
- mp_buytime
- mp_c4timer
- mp_connectionlimit
- mp_curtailedexplosions
- mp_damagefactor
- mp_deathdrop
- mp_dispenser_health
- mp_dispenser_money
- mp_dmspawnmoney
- mp_dropgrenades
- mp_flashlight
- mp_floodprot
- mp_floodprotignoretime
- mp_freezetime
- mp_grenaderebuy
- mp_hostagepenalty
- mp_hovertext
- mp_hud
- mp_hudscale
- mp_idleaction
- mp_idlekick
- mp_idletime
- mp_infammo
- mp_kevlar
- mp_kickpercent
- mp_killbuildingmoney
- mp_killbuildings
- mp_killinfo
- mp_killteambuildings
- mp_lagcompensation
- mp_lagcompensationdivisor
- mp_localrconoutput
- mp_luamap
- mp_luaserver
- mp_mapgoalscore
- mp_mapvoteratio
- mp_maxclientsip
- mp_maxrconfails
- mp_natholepunching
- mp_pinglimit
- mp_postspawn
- mp_radar
- mp_randomspawn
- mp_recoil
- mp_reservations
- mp_respawndelay
- mp_roundlimit
- mp_roundtime
- mp_shotweakening
- mp_smokeblock
- mp_startmoney
- mp_supply_items
- mp_teamkillpenalty
- mp_teleportreload
- mp_tempbantime
- mp_timelimit
- mp_tkpunish
- mp_trace
- mp_turretdamage
- mp_unbuildable
- mp_unbuyable
- mp_vulnerablehostages
- mp_weaponfadeout
- mp_winlimit
- mp_wpndmg
- mp_wpndmg_z1
- mp_wpndmg_z2
- mp_zombiedmg
- mp_zombiekillequip
- mp_zombiekillscore
- mp_zombierecover
- mp_zombiespeedmod
- name
- nick
- particles
- playershadows
- recoil
- relativemovement
- render3d
- renderdecals
- renderdecoration
- shadows
- shadowshade_obstacle
- shadowshade_wall
- shadowz_obstacles
- shadowz_wall
- shadow_angle
- shadow_frameskipping
- sounddriver
- soundmode
- spraycolor
- spraylogo
- sv_checkusgnlogin
- sv_daylighttime
- sv_forcelight
- sv_fow
- sv_friendlyfire
- sv_gamemode
- sv_gm
- sv_hostport
- sv_lan
- sv_map
- sv_maptransfer
- sv_maxplayers
- sv_name
- sv_offscreendamage
- sv_password
- sv_rcon
- sv_rconusers
- sv_specmode
- sv_spraytransfer
- sv_usgnonly
- tileanimations
- transfer_speed
- usgn_pw
- usgn_user
- visibleshots
- volume
- wiggle
- win
- usgn only (0/1): only allow U.S.G.N. users?
High Security Relevance
This setting is important for the security of your server!
Use it carefully! Wrong settings may make your server vulnerable or limit its functionality or accessibility!
Select if you want to allow U.S.G.N. users only. People which are not logged in will not be able to join your server if this setting is enabled.
Note: People without U.S.G.N. login will not be able to join your server if you enable this setting!
Note: It is recommended to enable this setting if you have problems with cheaters and hackers! Use it in conjunction with banusgn!
Attention: Enabling this setting will automatically enforce immediate on join U.S.G.N. account verification which may slow down (or in bad cases even break) the connection process (see sv_checkusgnlogin)
Attention: Never enable this setting if you are playing in a LAN! The U.S.G.N. account system does not work properly in LANs because it needs a working internet connection and internet IP addresses to verify the accounts.
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
- usgn only (0/1): only allow U.S.G.N. users?
High Security Relevance
This setting is important for the security of your server!
Use it carefully! Wrong settings may make your server vulnerable or limit its functionality or accessibility!
This setting is important for the security of your server!
Use it carefully! Wrong settings may make your server vulnerable or limit its functionality or accessibility!
Select if you want to allow U.S.G.N. users only. People which are not logged in will not be able to join your server if this setting is enabled.
Note: People without U.S.G.N. login will not be able to join your server if you enable this setting!
Note: It is recommended to enable this setting if you have problems with cheaters and hackers! Use it in conjunction with banusgn!
Attention: Enabling this setting will automatically enforce immediate on join U.S.G.N. account verification which may slow down (or in bad cases even break) the connection process (see sv_checkusgnlogin)
Attention: Never enable this setting if you are playing in a LAN! The U.S.G.N. account system does not work properly in LANs because it needs a working internet connection and internet IP addresses to verify the accounts.