Any questions or problems with CS2D? Maybe this page with Frequently Asked Questions can help you to find an answer!
Network and Multiplayer
- No servers in serverlist?!
- What to do about lags?
- How to play in LAN?
- Ping? Latency? Ping Timeout?
- I can't login! 'Trying to login'/'Failed to login!'
Server Hosting
- How do I create my own server? What is a listen/dedicated server? What is rcon?
- I want to host a game. What's my IP?
- Is there a dedicated server software for CS2D?
- Nobody joins/sees my server
You have to open the used UDP port (default: 36963) in your firewall/router/server control panel. Otherwise your server won't appear in the serverlist / nobody will be able to join!
1. Configure your root/VPS server
If you're hosting a dedicated server on a (commonly rented) root server or a virtual private server (VPS) you may have to open the port in the control panel. How that works depends on the server provider. Please read the instructions/FAQ provided by your provider or contact your provider for details. You should also be able to find the solution by searching for 'how to open UDP port INSERT NAME OF YOUR SERVER PROVIDER'.
2. Configure your router (when hosting locally behind a router)
Most routers have a web interface which can be accessed with your browser. A common address for it is or
However there are many routers which use other addresses. Please check the manual of your router for details. Contact the person who setup your router/internet if you need login data (or check the manual for defaults).
What you have to setup is port-forwarding. CS2D uses the UDP protcol and UDP Port 36963. Note that 36963 is the default port, you can also define another port in the server settings. Of course you always have to forward the port you defined in the settings. Unfortunately we can't provide information here how it works because it depends on your router. So please either read the manual of your router or try to get info from the internet. For example at www.portforward.com
As alternative you can activate the DMZ Host option if you don't manage to setup port-forwarding properly. However this is a security risk and not recommended unless you are using a good software firewall.
3. Configure your firewall(s)
Make sure your firewall allows CS2D to access the internet! You have to grant full internet access (incoming and outgoing) for your CS2D binary: CS2D(.exe) when using the client or cs2d_dedicated(.exe) when using the dedicated server program. Also - if possible - allow all traffic on UDP Port 36963 (or the port you chose in the server settings)! For Windows users: Make sure that Windows Firewall doesn't block CS2D! Read the Windows Firewall article at Wikipedia!
4. Further problems and information
- Make sure that "Offline/LAN" (sv_lan) is DISABLED (0) when you're running a server
- Make sure that you see the IP of your server in the CS2D serverlist
- Restart your server/pc (not just CS2D) completely if your server's IP does NOT appear in the serverlist (go to cs2d.com/servers to see if your server is listed
- Start your server with the commandline parameter -realport if nobody can join and if the wrong port is listed in the serverlist (only happens with routers)
Start params in Steam
- Port 36963 is default. You can also configure everything for another port and use this port for your server
- Do not try to play CS2D when using a proxy. It will probably not work or it will be too slow
- Read this guide/checklist if you still have problems!
ATTENTION: Testing from within the same network might fail!
It is possible that people from within the same network/internet connection (e.g. 2 PCs connected to the same router, one hosting, other one viewing the serverlist) can't see each other. This does NOT mean, that nobody sees your server! It can be caused by wrong router settings and many other things. It might work perfectly well for everyone outside your network! Please ask someone who is not using the same internect connection to check if he sees your server!
Still having trouble?
Please read "My server is not in the serverlist" as well!
- Make sure that "Offline/LAN" (sv_lan) is DISABLED (0) when you're running a server
- My server is not in the serverlist
- I want a 24/7 online server! Why does my server disappear when I shut down my PC?
- I want to rent a server for CS2D! What is important?
- Can I use my webspace/website/FTP-space/Dropbox/iCloud/blog/other crazy shit to host a server?
- Why is my server only in the LAN tab? I want it to be online!
CS2D does not start
Error Messages / Crashes
- The game says that I'm a cheater/hacker! Why?
- Memory Access Violation
- Graphics Mode XXX does not work!
- Failed to load ...
Video / Graphics
- There is only a black screen?! / I just see some squares?!
- Screen resolution problems
- Blurred graphics
Audio / Sounds
Scripts / Commands
- What is Steam?
- Is Steam required to play this game?
- Can Steam-users play CS2D with Non-Steam-users?
- Are there achievements? How to get them?
Other Questions
- How to install/start CS2D?
- Why does CS2D not support my language? Can I translate it?
- Why does CS2D run slowy/why does it lag?
- I downloaded custom skins/sounds! How to restore the original file(s)?
- Why does my server change the map without prompting?
- How do I make a custom spraylogo?
- What is "U.S.G.N." / What is this login stuff?
- Why are there so many ads on CS2D.com!?
- Why should I play CS2D when there is CS in 3D?
- Who made CS2D? When, how and why?
- Wasn't "CS2D" called "Counter-Strike 2D" before? What the hell?!