Any questions or problems with CS2D? Maybe this page with Frequently Asked Questions can help you to find an answer!
Network and Multiplayer
- No servers in serverlist?!
- What to do about lags?
- How to play in LAN?
- Ping? Latency? Ping Timeout?
- I can't login! 'Trying to login'/'Failed to login!'
Server Hosting
- How do I create my own server? What is a listen/dedicated server? What is rcon?
- I want to host a game. What's my IP?
- Is there a dedicated server software for CS2D?
- Nobody joins/sees my server
- My server is not in the serverlist
- I want a 24/7 online server! Why does my server disappear when I shut down my PC?
- I want to rent a server for CS2D! What is important?
- Can I use my webspace/website/FTP-space/Dropbox/iCloud/blog/other crazy shit to host a server?
- Why is my server only in the LAN tab? I want it to be online!
CS2D does not start
- CS2D closes itself
This can be caused by bugs, damaged Lua scripts or problems with your system. If it happens at startup it's most likely a problem with your system or CS2D installation. Some possible problems with solution:
- Firewalls / Antivirus -> Configurate or turn off
- Outdated system -> Run update function (e.g. Windows Update)
- Outdated drivers (graphics/sounds) -> Get the latest drivers
- Outdated OpenAL -> Get latest OpenAL drivers at openal.org/downloads
- Outdated DirectX version -> Get the latest version
- General problems with graphics -> Try all modes with Launcher.exe (especially OpenGL/DirectX and Win/Fullscreen) or
Start params in Steam with -dx, -opengl, -win or -full
- Damaged Installation -> Re-download and re-install CS2D
- No internet connection -> Go online / start with -off commandline
Start params in Steam
- Problems with network device -> Get the latest drivers
- Other software -> Quit all applications you don't need
- Virus/Malware -> Scan and clean your system with Antivirus software
- Weak/slow system -> Try another PC or upgrade your hardware
In most cases some updates & the right settings should fix the problem!
If you are using Linux please read How to run CS2D on Linux?
- CS2D does not work on Linux
Error Messages / Crashes
- The game says that I'm a cheater/hacker! Why?
- Memory Access Violation
- Graphics Mode XXX does not work!
- Failed to load ...
Video / Graphics
- There is only a black screen?! / I just see some squares?!
- Screen resolution problems
- Blurred graphics
Audio / Sounds
Scripts / Commands
- What is Steam?
- Is Steam required to play this game?
- Can Steam-users play CS2D with Non-Steam-users?
- Are there achievements? How to get them?
Other Questions
- How to install/start CS2D?
- Why does CS2D not support my language? Can I translate it?
- Why does CS2D run slowy/why does it lag?
- I downloaded custom skins/sounds! How to restore the original file(s)?
- Why does my server change the map without prompting?
- How do I make a custom spraylogo?
- What is "U.S.G.N." / What is this login stuff?
- Why are there so many ads on CS2D.com!?
- Why should I play CS2D when there is CS in 3D?
- Who made CS2D? When, how and why?
- Wasn't "CS2D" called "Counter-Strike 2D" before? What the hell?!