Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Lua Commands
Category: player (12)
- "key"
Removes a specific Lua key bind. They key must have been added beforehand with addbind.
Returns 1 if the bind was removed, 0 if the bind did not exist.
Valid key names:
- Numeric keys: "0", "1" ... "9"
- Alphabetic keys: "A", "B", ... "Z"
- Function keys: "F1", "F2", ... "F12"
- Mouse: "mouse1" (left click), "mouse2" (right click), "mouse3" (middle click), "mwheelup", "mwheeldown" (scrolling)
- Special/Modifier keys: "leftshift", "rightshift", "leftctrl", "rightctrl", "leftalt", "rightalt", "leftsys", "rightsys"
- Arrow keys: "leftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "downarrow"
- Others: "backspace", "tab", "clear", "enter", "escape", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "select", "print", "execute", "screen", "ins", "del"
- Numpad/keypad: Same as above with "kp_" prefix. e.g. "kp_leftarrow", "kp_home", "kp_ins" etc., "kp_5" for center button
Note: Since key binds cause additional network traffic, it's highly recommended to remove all binds that you don't need/use actively!
Note: You can also remove all existing binds at once use removeallbinds
Attention: Adding/removing key binds also causes network traffic. So if the same key bind will be required again later it might make sense to keep it instead of removing it and adding it again later.
- "key"
Removes a specific Lua key bind. They key must have been added beforehand with addbind.
Returns 1 if the bind was removed, 0 if the bind did not exist.
Valid key names:
Returns 1 if the bind was removed, 0 if the bind did not exist.
Valid key names:
- Numeric keys: "0", "1" ... "9"
- Alphabetic keys: "A", "B", ... "Z"
- Function keys: "F1", "F2", ... "F12"
- Mouse: "mouse1" (left click), "mouse2" (right click), "mouse3" (middle click), "mwheelup", "mwheeldown" (scrolling)
- Special/Modifier keys: "leftshift", "rightshift", "leftctrl", "rightctrl", "leftalt", "rightalt", "leftsys", "rightsys"
- Arrow keys: "leftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "downarrow"
- Others: "backspace", "tab", "clear", "enter", "escape", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "select", "print", "execute", "screen", "ins", "del"
- Numpad/keypad: Same as above with "kp_" prefix. e.g. "kp_leftarrow", "kp_home", "kp_ins" etc., "kp_5" for center button
Note: Since key binds cause additional network traffic, it's highly recommended to remove all binds that you don't need/use actively!
Note: You can also remove all existing binds at once use removeallbinds
Attention: Adding/removing key binds also causes network traffic. So if the same key bind will be required again later it might make sense to keep it instead of removing it and adding it again later.