
Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.

CS2D Command CS2D Console Commands

Lua Hook Lua Hooks

Lua Command Lua Commands

Category: map (1)

Lua Command map



  • "value"


Returns info about the current map:

  • name: name of the map

  • xsize: x size of the map in tiles

  • ysize: y size of the map in tiles

  • tileset: tileset file used in the map

  • tilesize: size of each tile in the tileset in pixels. Can be either 32 or 64.

  • tilecount: number of tiles in tileset

  • back_img: background image for the map (empty if there is none)

  • back_scrollx: background x scrolling speed

  • back_scrolly: background y scrolling speed

  • back_scrolltile: scroll background like tiles? 0/1

  • back_r: background color red value

  • back_g: background color green value

  • back_b: background color blue value

  • storm_x: storm x speed

  • storm_y: storm y speed

  • mission_vips: number of VIP spawns

  • mission_hostages: number of hostages

  • mission_bombspots: number of bombspots

  • mission_ctfflags: number of CTF flags

  • mission_dompoints: number of domination points

  • nobuying: is buying allowed? 0/1

  • noweapons: are weapons allowed? 0/1

  • teleporters: are there any teleporters? 0/1

  • botnodes: number of bot nodes