Download CS2D - It's FREE & small

Latest Version:

Steam Steam (recommended)

Get CS2D for free on Steam! For Win/Linux. Recommended if you already have Steam!

Install via Steam Steam Windows Linux
will open the CS2D Steam page

Windows Windows (<25 mb)

No Steam? Get the setup or Zip version (same content). The client can also be used to host your own listen server!
Do NOT extract/install to "C:\Program Files"! It will lead to problems (limited write permissions)!

Setup Windows Win Client Setup
@ (EXE, installer)
Zip Windows Win Client Zip
@ (ZIP, portable)

Linux Linux (<25 mb)

Just unzip & play! 100% portable! Please read THIS if it doesn't run!

Setup Linux Linux Client Zip

Server for Linux Linux and Windows Win (~1 MB)

Headless dedicated server for professional server hosting.

Setup Linux Linux Server Zip
Setup Windows Win Server Zip

Dedicated CRC32 Hash Values: Linux | Windows

Dedicated server binaries can be accessed and downloaded directly. Above links stay always the same. This allows you to automate server updates with scripts.

3rd Party Files

Get extra stuff for CS2D here!